We offer a full range of services including
Adult and pediatric
- Health and wellness maintenance
- Lifestyle management
- Sports Physicals
- Preventive Health Screening
- Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
- Immunizations
Same day appointments (in person and Telehealth)
- Cough and colds
- Sprain and strains
- Sinusitis
- Flu
- Allergies
Chronic disease management
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- High Cholesterol
- Thyroid conditions
- Asthma
- Osteoarthritis
Common Conditions
- Reflux
- Bowel issues
- Sexually Transmitted disease
- Anxiety and Depression
- Headache
- Eczema
Geriatric care
- Memory assessment
- Fall Risk
- Medicare preventive examination
- Hospital Follow up appointments
- Bone Density Test Order
Women’s care
- Pap smear
- Birth control methods
- Mammogram Order
Virtual Visits
All of our locations remain open and we are continuing to see patients with urgent and acute conditions while following all CDC recommendations to help prevent exposure and spread of COVID-19. Please call us to schedule your virtual appointment. Upon scheduling your virtual visit, please review these instructions (https://www.northside.com/virtual-appointment-instructions)